Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Not So Smart Phones

    Are smart phones making us dumber? I believe so. While our tiny computers give us the easy reach to the depths of knowledge on the Internet, I feel our cellular devices are making us no more knowledgeable. They have taken away our ability to wonder, as we have all the answers right before us. This "instant" information happens to also make us more impatient as human beings.
    Smart phones are also taking away or ability to spell along with our ability to imagine. Autocorrect has taken away our need to pull out a dictionary or think about the letters we put into a word. Our spelling mistakes are no longer recognizable in our writing because there is no red line under our errors. There is no device to fix our out-of-place letters.
    Lack of productivity is also an outcome from the growing popularity of cell phones. Instead of paying attention in class or doing homework, most students are found poking around on Facebook or playing various pointless games. If many students didn't have their phone they would wouldn't know how to find information in a book rather than just putting a question into a search bar. 
    Cell phones make us socially dumb as well. Most people don't know how to talk to other individuals face to face anymore because they are so used to doing it through a screen. I think we should learn to look up from our phones and enjoy the world around us for awhile. That's the smartest way to handle smart phones.

1 comment:

  1. Is there a place for pocket supercomputers?
