Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bloody Good Rap Song

As for this blog post, it's unlike any other
It goes out to Kolodj-man, my main brother
If you can't tell already, this is a rap
And if you listen carefully, I'm gonna teach you some crap
Let's start with the heart
Pumping to the beat
As for keeping you alive, it conquers this feat
There are hidden chambers, just like Hogwarts
The blood is what they help you transport
Ventricles on bottom, shaped like a "V'
Atria on top, right inside of me
Pulmonary arteries send blood RIGHT to the lungs
What's LEFT goes to everywhere else, even your hands, feet, and tongue
Those aren't only parts inside the heart inside of you
It has the aorta, vena cava, and some valves, just to name a few
Let's see the rest of the cardiovascular system
The arteries, veins, and the capillaries assist them
Arteries away, and veins carry to
And connecting is what the capillaries do
These things hold the blood
That really is your bud
For moving around the oxygen you breath
And helping the wastes in your body leave
Red blood cells carry O2
Platelets stop the bleeding after a knife slices through
White blood cells prevent you from sickness
Just like the skin does with its epidermal thickness
This is your immune system keeping you strong
Without it things would go wrong
Mucous membranes catch pesky little germs
And your healthiness it what it affirms
Your nose, throat, and stomach have this helpful goo
That stops viruses from infecting you
But if they don't stop them there's a second line of defense
The pathogen is attacked by B cells, macrophages, and some of their friends
After that, memory cells are made, just like vaccines
So if the body encounters the same pathogen again, the antibodies will be right at the scene
This is an abridged version the chapters we've read
And if you want a better education you should read them instead
But if you want sweets rhymes and imaginary beats that make you hop like a frog
Then you should just come here and read my blog.

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